Friday, November 5, 2010

No Fun Without You

I am here in New Jersey! I'm like...20 min from New York City and I can't even think about driving in to scope it out without you. I just know it wouldn't be any fun. Or, I know it would be fun, but I can't imagine having that much fun and having any New York experiences without you. I think it's because everything is just MORE fun when we're together. Well, even if things aren't necessarily more fun when we're together, I just don't want to have any experience good/bad without you. I think that means I love you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I love that we love the same movies. I can't imagine my life without you simply because I can't imagine finding anyone else who enjoys EXACTLY the same movies that I do. I don't think we ever fight about movies. I don't know if you always fall asleep during the movie and therefore could care less what we watch, but either way, it seems like we have the same taste in movies. I like that about you because I think I have good taste in movies and I can't respect people who like movies I know are total crap. To me, that says something about somebody. Maybe that's shallow...I dunno. But to me, the fact that you understand, and enjoy all kinds of good movies from foreign to classics means that you are broadminded, intelligent, and deep in a very approachable way. I love that about you. Let's watch a movie.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Keepin' Me Respectable

I love how you keep me respectable. It's not because you nag me to be or because you guilt me into it. You yourself maintain high standards and you influence me through your good example. I know there have been times where I have tried my best to be a bad influence on you and you have never caved on something you didn't want to do or didn't think was right. You've always given me freedom to do whatever I wanted, but I always follow you because I don't ever want to see you disappointed in me. Your respect means a lot to me and it's something I work for. But, your influence for good in me is the root of my actions. You are a good, good person.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I love pictures of you. I'm excited to see us 20 years down the path laughing and reminiscing with pictures laid out on the floor. You will be as beautiful then as you are now. I'm grateful that I will get to be in pictures with you both young and old! It's a fun thought that I will know you as an elderly woman. We will putter with our tennis ball walkers. I'll get antsy and want to go on a walk and you'll want to sit on the couch and "dream" about what our lives will be like when we're 110 years old. We'll have a nice house filled with memories of our crazy kids and all their accomplishments and pictures hung of all the places we've gone on all our anniversaries.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You Get Me

I love how much you "get me." You know that coming home after a long trip of eating crappy food, it would make me happy to come home to a roast, a pizza kit, and various munchies! You "get me" in the sense that I trust you to know me in ways that no one else will ever know. You can tell when I'm stressed and know how to fix it. You know when I'm down that an interesting meal with some thoughtful presentation will perk me up. You know I'm going to buy chips when we stop at any gas station for any reason at any time, and you're cool with that because you know that's just me. I hope to grow to the level of understanding for you that you have of me.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I love how independent you are. I can leave you with my son and my guitars without a care knowing that you are capable of running the day to day operations of our family without me there. You are resourceful, clever, reliable and have great common sense. I trust you with everything I love most in my absence. There have been times I have been out of the picture for over a month and you have never truly complained or shown any inability to function. I love that about you. You know when I like you to be needy and and rely on me, but you know when to step up to the plate. You make me feel safe and grateful for that.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I love what a great eye you have for photography! Some of the pictures you've taken of Dane have made my heart skip. I love that because of you we will have pictures of our son and homes that not only mean something to us but are beautiful for everyone to look at and enjoy. I hope you never lose that interest. You are a good photographer and deserve praise for it.


I love that you consider putting together a dresser "fun because it's like a puzzle!" Today you sat down and dove into a project like you couldn't think of anything more fun to do. I watched you figure out which screw goes where and put together a four drawer dresser in less time than it would have taken me to find the instructions. Kudos to you pretty lady for being so handy and for actually liking it!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Late Night Munchy Runs

I love you for taking late night runs for miscellaneous snack items. You don't want to pass up a chance to be with me, even if it's just to get snacks for me. I love that you like to do that with me. I love that even if there's nothing in it for you, if you think it'll make me happy, you'll do it. You are a great lesson in unselfishness I hope to apply in my life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I love that you got your associates degree! I'm so proud of you for completing that. I know it was hard for you and it took a long time to do. There were plenty of nights when I begged you to watch a movie with me, or offered other distraction and you showed a lot of determination and dedication to your classes. You even got A's! I never get A's! I love you for being smart and accomplishing more than I have. Congratulations!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I love that you'd be lost without me. You never know where we are in a car unless you drive it yourself a dozen times first. Maybe that's why you let me drive? Anyway, I think it's lovable that you have no sense of direction. It reminds me of driving around in Ft. Collins when you were so amazed that I knew where we were going after only having been driven there one time.

Let Me Drive

I love that you let me drive almost every time we are in the car together. I know you are a safe, capable driver and there is really no reason for me to drive all the time except that's how YOU want it. It makes me feel like your man, protecting you, and driving you around as my companion. It's one submissive thing you do to let me know you feel safe with me and have confidence in my abilities and I love that about you.

Thumb Mic

Hahah...I love it when you use my thumb as a microphone.


You'll argue this with me, but I really do love how sleepy you always are. You fall asleep in the first ten minutes of most movies. You haven't seen what ten o'clock looks like...ever, probably. To me, it makes me feel like you feel safe around me. You feel safe enough to let your guard down any time and fall asleep. It makes me feel like your protector and I love that about you.


You can be so domestic. I was looking around the house earlier this morning and felt so appreciative that you always do the dishes by hand, and the laundry is always done. I have no chores almost! I'm supposed to take out the garbage and I have a hard time doing that 1 chore once a week! You really do take pride in making our house a home and I love that about you.


I love how easy it is for you to make new friends. You have a knack for getting along with everyone and getting them to see the best parts of you. I can't tell you how relieving it is to know that everyone around me likes my wife and is often better friends with you than they are with me!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Your Neck!

I love your neck. I love to "get on in there" and bury my face in your neck. It's your best smelling place! I get your hair, and skin smells all at once! I love how soft your skin is. This morning I was thinking about how much I love you as I was snuggling you with my face in your neck.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Feet Arches

I love the arches in your feet! You have very elegant, ballerina-like feet. It shows that you used to love wearing heels, which due to my height you've had to give up...something else I love about you! Maybe I should save that one for a later date in case I run out J/K.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Make Me Feel Smart

Now, just wait 'till I'm done here! I'm talking about how you go out of your way to ask for my help with school work and stuff like that. You make me feel like you think I'm smart and can help you with things you struggle with. Like HTML! I was so happy the other day that you asked for my help on your assignment and then made me feel so good after I we figured it out. That made me feel smart! I love you for that. You don't have to ask my help, and you certainly don't have to build me up, but you do.

Monday, February 22, 2010

You Remember The Important Stuff

I love that you remember the important stuff like my Valentine's cookie. It may seem silly to everyone else, but that makes soooooo happy. To me, it's a symbol that someone loves me unconditionally. No matter how bad I was all year long, my mom would always make me a cookie for Valentine's. Now, it's YOU! You remember all the other good stuff that makes me happy too. Like what kind of chips I like, and other important things of that nature :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's !

I love that you are my Valentine! I remember the first heartbreak experience I ever had was when I was in 2nd grade. My teacher, Miss Saltern, was a fox! I was so in love with her. She drew MY name out of the jar to be her "date" for the Valentine lunch they had at my school. It turned out I was sick that day and had to watch her go with the Asian kid instead of me(I could see them from my house across the street). I hated Valentine's for years after that! Now, I don't ever have to worry about who my date will be. I have YOU forever. That's a great feeling and I love you for it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Miss You

I LOVE how much I miss you...wait, I HATE, no...LOVE. I don't know. I just miss you! I love that not being with you all the time can make paradise pointless. I love that not having you by my side makes every accomplishment seem menial. I love that not having you with at night makes it hard to sleep. I hate not hearing your voice. I miss your smell. Particularly your hair when I'm hugging you. I REALLY miss you laying on me on the couch while we watch a movie and I stroke your hair with my non-munching hand. I love that I don't want to watch movies without you. I love that I don't want to eat out, or go to the beach, or spend money on ANYTHING if you're not with me to experience it. I didn't realize how much I NEED you to be happy till now, having to face a long time without you. This is so hard, because I love you so much.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! I love you for being born! I love that you are in this world at the same time as me, that we miraculously happened to "bump" into each other at opportune times in our life, and that everything since the day you came into the world until now has coincidentally brought us together. It makes me very happy. I wish you the happiest freakin' day a beautiful girl like you deserves! I love, love, love you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Great Mother

I've known from the beginning that you would always be a great mother to my kids! You are gentle and sensitive and you have a natural maternal instinct. I have shown frustration at times about how much Dane leans on you, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It just shows how successful you've been at making a connection with him! You are great at singing him songs, and teaching him things, and making sure that his needs are met. I trust you with the source of my greatest happiness. I love how much you freak out when you think he's in danger, or you see him get hurt. I could sing your praises all day about this. I can't wait to have more with you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I love how caring you are. I will always remember how comforted I felt when you took such good care of me the first time I was sick with you. I recall you being vary sensitive the first time you saw me throw our kitchen sink...even though I was naked when it happened. I have always known that you will be a great companion in that sense. I know you will always take care of me, and I you. I got reassured of it the other night when I was hot in bed and couldn't fall asleep. I kicked all the covers off and asked if you would cover me in the night if I got cold (which I always do). You said,"Don't worry Bear. I'll take care of you." The best part is that you always keep your word on stuff like that.