Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You Get Me

I love how much you "get me." You know that coming home after a long trip of eating crappy food, it would make me happy to come home to a roast, a pizza kit, and various munchies! You "get me" in the sense that I trust you to know me in ways that no one else will ever know. You can tell when I'm stressed and know how to fix it. You know when I'm down that an interesting meal with some thoughtful presentation will perk me up. You know I'm going to buy chips when we stop at any gas station for any reason at any time, and you're cool with that because you know that's just me. I hope to grow to the level of understanding for you that you have of me.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I love how independent you are. I can leave you with my son and my guitars without a care knowing that you are capable of running the day to day operations of our family without me there. You are resourceful, clever, reliable and have great common sense. I trust you with everything I love most in my absence. There have been times I have been out of the picture for over a month and you have never truly complained or shown any inability to function. I love that about you. You know when I like you to be needy and and rely on me, but you know when to step up to the plate. You make me feel safe and grateful for that.