Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! I love you for being born! I love that you are in this world at the same time as me, that we miraculously happened to "bump" into each other at opportune times in our life, and that everything since the day you came into the world until now has coincidentally brought us together. It makes me very happy. I wish you the happiest freakin' day a beautiful girl like you deserves! I love, love, love you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Great Mother

I've known from the beginning that you would always be a great mother to my kids! You are gentle and sensitive and you have a natural maternal instinct. I have shown frustration at times about how much Dane leans on you, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It just shows how successful you've been at making a connection with him! You are great at singing him songs, and teaching him things, and making sure that his needs are met. I trust you with the source of my greatest happiness. I love how much you freak out when you think he's in danger, or you see him get hurt. I could sing your praises all day about this. I can't wait to have more with you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I love how caring you are. I will always remember how comforted I felt when you took such good care of me the first time I was sick with you. I recall you being vary sensitive the first time you saw me throw up...in our kitchen sink...even though I was naked when it happened. I have always known that you will be a great companion in that sense. I know you will always take care of me, and I you. I got reassured of it the other night when I was hot in bed and couldn't fall asleep. I kicked all the covers off and asked if you would cover me in the night if I got cold (which I always do). You said,"Don't worry Bear. I'll take care of you." The best part is that you always keep your word on stuff like that.